Module List
Below is a summary of the Scouts' Adult Training Scheme and ongoing learning. More information can be found on the Scouts website
To be completed within 5 months of appointment
Getting Started
Personal Learning Plan (02)
To create a plan for an individual's learning based on the requirements of the job and taking into account the individuals needs.
To provide all adults in Scouting with the essential information needed to get started in their role.
To provide all adults in Scouting with an understanding of what the GDPR means for them, their
Scout Group, District and County and how to effectively align with it.
To provide all adults in Scouting with an understanding of safety practice and responsibilities as a member of Scouts, to keep everyone safe.
To provide all adults in Scouting with an understanding of safeguarding practice and responsibilities as a member of Scouts, to keep everyone safe.
Tools for the Role (03)
Section Leaders - To provide the basic information on the individual's role or area of responsibility and some practical help to get the individual started in the role.
Managers and Supporters - To provide key information on the individual's role, area of responsibility and where they can find further information and support.
Tools for the Role (04)
Training For All Appointments
To provide Leaders, Managers and Supporters with information about how to deliver quality Scouting to young people, and how we ensure it meets their needs. This module is recommended as a priority.
To explore the Fundamentals of Scouting and the Religious Policy, and their relationship with delivering q Quality Programme for young people.
To provide an introduction to equal opportunities and practical advice about how to make Scouting inclusive for all.
Administration (11)
To provide information and best practice on how to manage administrative tasks in Scouting, including responsibilities relating to the Data Protection Act/GDPR, record keeping, finances and insurance requirements.
First Aid (10)
Scouting For All (07)
Fundamentals of
Scouting (05)
Developing a Quality
Programme (12A)
To cover the skills and knowledge necessary to enable adults to manage an incident and provide basic first aid.
The Programme
To provide Section Leaders with an opportunity to plan and review a sectional programme, using a variety of methods to generate programme ideas.
To enable adults to plan and run exciting, safe and developmental activities for the young people in their section.
Practical Skills
To enable adults to gain and develop practical skills for the benefit of young people in their section.
Introduction to Residential
Experiences (16)
To enable Section Leaders and supporters who may support residential experiences for young people, to understand the purpose that residential experiences play in Scouting.
Running Safe Activities
Programme Planning
To provide adults with an international focus appropriate to their section and understand the global nature of Scouting.
The People
To enable adults to understand and meet the needs of young people and create a supportive environment.
To enable adults to promote positive behaviour and appropriately manage challenging behaviour in their section.
Growing the Section
To cover ways in which an adult volunteer can work with their line manager and others to plan and contribute to the growth of their Section and/or Group.
Working With Adults
To cover some key skills required to work effectively as a team, including communication, listening skills, decision-making structures and effectively representing others.
Skills of Leadership
Promoting Positive Behaviour
Supporting Young People
To cover the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to be an effective leader, including leadership styles, action-centred leadership and developing leadership skills in others.
Mandatory ongoing learning to be completed every 3 years
To revisit the responsibilities and practice related to safety in Scouting, to keep everyone safe, related to safety in Scouting.
To revisit the responsibilities and practice related to safeguarding in Scouting, to keep everyone safe, related to safeguarding in Scouting.
To cover the skills and knowledge necessary to enable adults to manage an incident and provide basic first aid.
First Aid
Supplementary Modules
To provide the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to effectively support, validate and assess adults in the Adult Training Scheme, the Adventurous Activity Permit Scheme, Nights Away Permit Scheme and the Scout Show National Recognition Scheme.
To provide the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to instruct practical skills.
To provide the skills, knowledge and attitudes to facilitate individuals and small groups.
To provide the skills, knowledge and attitudes to make effective presentations.
Supporting Local Learning
To provide the skills, knowledge and attitudes for Local Training Managers to co-ordinate the learning plans of individuals to produce a programme of learning.
Planning a Learning Experience
To provide the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to research and design training experiences.
Delivering a Learning Experience
To provide the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to plan, prepare and run a training experience.
Planning a Learning Provision
To provide the skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable training managers to plan to meet the learning needs of an area.
Managing a Learning Provision
To provide the skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable County Training Managers to manage the learning provision for their area.
Additional Needs
To provide information, support and resources for those working with young people with additional needs.
Advising on Adult Appointments
To enable an adult to participate fully as a member of the Appointments Advisory Committee.
Skills for Residential Experiences
To enable adults to acquire the appropriate skills to plan and run successful residential experiences for the young people in their section.
To enable adults to effectively mentor and coach both adults and young people for successful talent management/succession planning.
Mentoring and Coaching
Instructing Practical Skills
Assessing Learning
All Appointments
Managers, Section Supporters, Other Supporters